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The Left box above (canvas) is the FSM designer. Here's how to use it:
Double-click on the canvas
Create a single state and put the cursor in it.
Shift + Drag on the canvas.
Create an edge starting from the cursor location . If the cursor is on the state, then the link will begin from that state.
Drag states or links over the canvas
Move states/links around the canvas.
Double-click on the created state to make it Accept State or revert back to Normal State
Control the state's status, toggling between accepted and normal states within the FSM.
Click on the state/link and press delete (In Mac use fn + backspace )
Remove a state or link .
Shift + L on canvas
Remove all states and links .
Click on the state/link and press Shift + or
Resize the state size.
Click on the state/link and press Shift + or
Resize the state font size.
Click on the small square near the specific field to edit it.
Can be used to add optional properties to the FSM.